Call Center Purgatory <$BlogRSDURL$>
Call Center Purgatory
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
  Stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea...
I actually am fairly fond of my direct supervisor. He treats me well for the most part, and generally doesn't yell at me that much. In one of my previous posts, I told you about the corporate problems. I explained how wages are frozen, and there aren't any reviews going on. This has put the management here in a tough position. They don't really have a lot of tools at their disposals to change what is going on around here. We all know that no matter how hard we work, that it's probably not going to affect our wages or benefits. The most our hard work will do is to maintain our job and keep our customers happy, and personal fufillment doesn't seem to keep up with the effects of inflation.

But besides the fact that they don't have a carrot, they also have no stick. Unless we do something really stupid, it's not very likely that we will lose our job. Yelling, badgering or memoing us to death is pretty much all they have. Since there are no reviews that show a paper trail of any performance issues, even if we get fired, we can apply for unemployment. With corporate cutting down on people, if they get rid of too much dead wood, they wont let them replace them and then there will not be enough people to answer the phones.

One of the guys here went to a member of management and expressed how frustrated he was with not getting a raise even though his sales and call volume was good. He was told that management is in the same boat as everybody else and they want raises too.

I figure that they are probably more frustrated than I am with the current situation.

Exploring the mind numbing insanity and childish corporate culture of an unknown call center employee.

Purgatory: A place of suffering and torment with an unknown duration. In Roman Catholic Theology-the place where the dead are purified from their sins.

Email:anonymous.cog at

"One must know oneself, if this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life, and there is nothing better." -Blaise Pascal

The Cog is listening to:
"Wake Up"
By Rage Against The Machine

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Call Centre


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