Yankee Sailor just tagged me for a book meme. So here goes...
Number of books I own:600. Stored in various drawers and boxes and bookcases.
Last book I bought:Pensees("The Thoughts") by Blaise Pascal. Excellent apologetical work, and evidence that being a Christian does not mean you have to give up your intellect. He's right up there with C.S. Lewis in my book.
Last book I read:Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell. Orwell tells about his time fighting against fascism in Spain. I admired him even more after this. He wasn't just a stuffy writer smoking a pipe, sitting in an overstuffed chair. When he saw injustice and something worth fighting for, he took up arms and kicked some ass. It's an awesome book about a part of history very few people know much about. It also shows you where he got a lot of the ideas for 1984 from. If you think war is a glorious endeavor, read this, and you will think again.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
The Bible-My compass,my conscience.
1984 by George Orwell-"Freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4. If that is granted, all else follows." After reading this book, I was inspired to think and live out of my head and my heart, and to be human no matter what.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens-Capitalism with a Conscience-the dream for all that work in the world.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury-Books open your mind. TV rots it.
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis-We all choose our own Heaven and our own Hell. We end up where we ultimately desire to be.
Thanks for reading.
Tag! You're it! Sinned Often,Norse Horse,Brownie!!
Purgatory: A place of suffering and torment with an unknown duration. In Roman Catholic Theology-the place where the dead are purified from their sins.
"Wake Up" By Rage Against The Machine
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