Call Center Purgatory <$BlogRSDURL$>
Call Center Purgatory
Saturday, May 13, 2006
  When I Leave the Call Center...

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know I hate my job. I've often talked about how this place brings out the worst in people and how I hate so many things about it, and how I am going to find a new job some day, and how I have plans to have a great life once I leave the call center.

Yada, yada, yada, yada, ad nauseum.

Recently, there were other good changes in my life outside of the call center. Before these changes I found myself saying how I was going to finally get in better shape, and I would spend more time with my wife and family, and that I would go to church more and be a better person.

It didn't happen.

Some things improved, I am doing better in a lot of respects. But my life hasn't changed as much as I thought it would. It was this realization that made me rethink how I see my relationship with the call center.

Don't get me wrong. The call center still sucks. Oh, yeah, it sucks big time! It is still the equivalent of walking blindfolded and barefoot through a feed lot filled with rabid, feral pigs that have been there for two weeks after a solid diet of sauerkraut, beer and slim-jims. I still want to leave asap. The difference is that I realized every problem in my life can't be blamed on the call center.

I'm closer to leaving than I have been in a long time. All of my plans and arrangements are closer together than ever before. But its not enough. Leaving the call center will not make me a better person. The only person that can make me a better person is me.

If I don't make real changes to my own character and behavior, I will only be changing purgatories...

Thanks for reading,


Anonymous Cog

Hi AC,

I hope you don't mind but I wrote a very short piece about work-related blogs and mentioned you (briefly).

Here's the link:

It's a bit late now, but I hope you approve!! And may be get some traffic as a result.
Yes, you can actually blame every evil in the world on call centers... they are the bane of existence.

For the short time I worked at one, we had quality checks. You need to up your quality -- which means spend more time on getting in some talking points.

Okay, then, you need to shorten your call time. Your quality is good, but you are too slow.

So you speed up. Okay, your quality is dropped a bit, but now you are too fast...

The people promoted, no offense to you I saw your "promotion" listed a few items down, are often friends of other people, with no real ability to lead, inspire or team build.

Management, team leads aren't really management, don't give a crap about people. Raises are promised but not delivered.

Good lord, these places are the most dehumanizing environments ever created. When it is busy you have another call immediately upon hanging up the last -- which is the way they like it... no free time for you and your near minimum wage earning self.

Find a place that respects an employee, has meaningful work that you can enjoy, with a nice team environment and you will find a world of difference.

Just make sure it isn't a call center.
Could not have said it better myself. Thanks for stopping by.

If you dislike call centers so much, I've found the right shirt for you: I Hate Call Centers.
"Don't get me wrong. The call center still sucks. Oh, yeah, it sucks big time! It is still the equivalent of walking blindfolded and barefoot through a feed lot filled with rabid, feral pigs that have been there for two weeks after a solid diet of sauerkraut, beer and slim-jims."

Right, Anonymous, don't hold back! That's a good one.
Thanks Dude!

I loved this phrasing, and I thought no one else got it.
You made my day.

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Exploring the mind numbing insanity and childish corporate culture of an unknown call center employee.

Purgatory: A place of suffering and torment with an unknown duration. In Roman Catholic Theology-the place where the dead are purified from their sins.

Email:anonymous.cog at

"One must know oneself, if this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life, and there is nothing better." -Blaise Pascal

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"Wake Up"
By Rage Against The Machine

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